We launched our Keep on Caring appeal in September to help us raise funds towards items we very much need at the Hospice, but have had to put on hold due to the drop in fundraising we have experienced throughout the pandemic. We were really touched when the team at Marks & Spencer Arnison Centre told us that they had raised a huge sum they wanted to donate to the appeal in memory of someone close to their hearts.
They said: “When our dear friend and colleague Lesley Shaw died from pancreatic cancer at the Hospice last June the staff decided to raise some money for St Cuthbert’s Hospice in memory of Lesley. As we were in the middle of a pandemic with many of our staff on furlough or shielding, we weren’t really sure how much we would raise. We set ourselves a modest target and set about fundraising with raffles, bake sales selling items in our little charity shop and taking kind donations from staff.
Amazingly through two further lockdowns more furlough and a lot of social distancing we raised an brilliant £4,136. It’s great to think that all the little fundraising things we did have raised so much money for the Hospice and can be used to buy vital equipment to help in the day to day running of the hospice. I think Lesley would have had a little laugh at the thought that we’d donated money to the hospice so they could buy a washing machine in her memory.

St Cuthbert’s Hospice means so much to the colleagues at M&S Arnison Centre and has helped so many of them and their families over the years and we’d just like to say a Big Thank You to the whole team for everything they do ❤”
We’re hugely grateful to all who helped to raise this magnificent sum in Lesley’s memory. The donation couldn’t have come at a better time as our washing machine had actually broke down when we got the news.
You can find out more about supporting our Keep on Caring appeal here.
Any donation to the appeal, small or large, will go towards many other items we very much need.