We can help you to get ‘Everything in Place’.
For most of us thinking about death and dying isn’t easy at all. Understandably we shy away from the topic and change the subject.
At St Cuthbert’s Hospice we launched Everything in Place to help make talking about death and our own future wishes as easy as possible. We want to help break the taboos that surround death and dying and support these conversations to be open and less scary. Getting Everything in Place now can make it all a little bit easier in the future.
The project aims to get people talking about physical, emotional, spiritual aspects, alongside practical issues like care plans and wills. Sessions are free to attend and delivered as a program or course either in person, or online.
It can be a comfort knowing you have the right documents prepared and we have an easy to follow workbook to help support the discussions. Feedback from past participants is that the sessions are informative, accessible and light-hearted.
It’s not scary, it’s not gloomy. Just impartial information that will help you on your way to getting your affairs in order.

We currently have two FREE to attend courses on offer. For each course there will be eight sessions in total.
- A weekly virtual course starts Monday 13th January 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. This is delivered via the Teams platform.
- A weekly face-to-face course starts at Bullion Hall Chester-le-Street on Wednesday 12th February 2025 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
Use the form at the bottom of this page to express your interest if you’d like to attend. If these dates don’t work for you but you are still keen to complete the course, fill in the form and we’ll add you to the waiting list.
Course Itinerary
- Where there’s a Will
- Understanding Mental Capacity for Power of Attorney decisions
- Appointing Power of Attorney – The documents
- Understanding Care and making Advance Care Plans
- Funeral planning and knowing your funeral plan is safe
- Understanding Euthanasia/Digital Legacy
- Organ donation and making and saving memories
- Difficult conversations/keeping yourself well
Expression of interest form
The sessions make a difficult subject very accessible and topics are handled in a light-hearted way. I’d encourage anyone to take part, and don’t be worried about it. Everyone is in the same boat. It’s a great way to understand, and start to put things into action for the future.
If you would like to find out more about taking part, email Project Lead Louise Johnson on louise.johnson@stcuthbertshospice.com.